365 fasting

365 fasting

Covering the Year in Fasting & Prayer for Breakthrough

What would it look like for our whole spiritual family and extended community to fast and cover this coming year in fasting and prayer?

We invite you to join us and cover 2023 with fasting and prayer, by picking one day of the week and fasting that day for the whole year.

We want to contend for a breakthrough in the coming year and believe in God's promises to this house and community.

Watch bILLY’S invitation or a more in-depth explanation from our last all-staff intercession prayer set.

in 2023…

365 leaders

MONDAY | Ash Bolden

TUESDAY | Andrew Faletti

WEDNESDAY | Robby Randall

Thursday | Hazen stevens

Friday | Gus ruballo

Saturday | Billy Humphrey

Sunday | Rolando Gonzalez